On top of that, the course completion model of programs offered by the coaching institutes with “ONE SIZE FITS ALL” approach makes it worse for the aspirants and eventually they waste their time and resources, barring a few who are dedicated enough to navigate through the hardships and find the right path on their own the rest students either drop the preparation altogether or keep struggling year after year. To address this issue and aid students have a smooth onboarding to the UPSC Civil Services Exam Preparation, NEXTAchievers’ IAS has designed a PERSONALIZED MENTORSHIP MODEL of UPSC preparation for College graduates in which students will learn to Bloom inside of the Live-Online Mentorship Sessions (Residential Coaching based on Mentorship Model is coming soon) before taking the Flight in the Next Year’s intensive & advance Mentorship, Assessment and value addition making them equipped to ace UPSC CSE in the very FIRST ATTEMPT. The “UPSC Achievers Mentorship Program” is a Two Year Comprehensive, Advance and Personalized Mentorship Program which aims to establish fundamental knowledge base with all the essential understanding and retention.
It will evolve from Fundamental to Advance Knowledge of General Studies to prepare students for the Prelims & Mains of the Civil Services Exam as per the UPSC curriculum. It covers the Foundation Building in the first year, Intensive UPSC CSE level Advance Mentorship Sessions and Notes Making in the second Year with Tests, Mocks, Assessments, Answer Writing, Evaluation, Feedback and Value Addition Sessions, making the preparation FOOLPROOF.