Our team of expert Teachers and Mentors who have been there and have done this, have noticed very closely that “ONE SIZE FITS ALL” kind of coaching programs are not helping students in effective UPSC CSE preparation. In fact, our students waste their valuable time and resources with this model of preparation as this is based on the syllabus completion approach without considering the actual learning for the aspirants. After completing the classes if students are determined enough to figure out the actual preparation strategy and also focused enough to implement the same on their own, then only they are able to sustain this arduous preparation journey, else the majority of them either leave the preparation altogether or keep struggling without proper guidance and personalized roadmap. This painful situation and eventual realization of the responsibility by Rajeev Mishra Sir and Team worked as the stimulus to come up with NEXTAchievers’ IAS to offer MENTORSHIP MODEL of Unique approach to UPSC CSE preparation which gives our students Personalized Mentorship, Effective Assessment and Valuable Guidance at every step of their preparation journey AND MOST IMPORTANTLY provides them valuable inputs and personalized guidance at every step towards FOOLPROOF UPSC CSE preparation without wasting unnecessary TIME & RESOURCES. Happy Learning!!!
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